Swansea Triathlon Sunday, May 25, 2025
Course Maps

Swansea Triathlon Course Maps

The Swansea Triathlon course is simply in one of the best locations in the UK. With a calm, safe and spectator friendly swim, picturesque ride and a fast and flat run, this event will take some beating!

The course is a 750m sea swim, 20km bike and a 5km run. Below you’ll find the maps for the event.

Swim Course

With the triathlon being broken down to 2 waves for safety and enjoyment, the atmosphere at the start will truly blow your mind. Athletes will head into the water and start between two buoys. It will be a 1 lap anti-clockwise swim around the course, with the large turn-point buoys to be kept on your left-hand side. Expect huge crowds as you exit the water, a little taster to what you can expect on the rest of the course.

Bike Course – 3 Laps

The bike course will be a 3 lap route, heading out from transition clockwise, coming back round into Swansea. With it being a super flat course, you spikes on the bike profile are the cat's-eyes, the crowds on course and of course the closed roads, this is one course you will enjoy for sure!


Run Course

A stunning, fast and flat 5km run through the marina and onto the seafront, finishing in front of the Swansea Arena.  Arguably one of the best sprint triathlon finish lines you will find and match any of the major events in Europe! It's definitely an event if you are chasing a new PB!

The UWTSD Swansea Triathlon 2023

Excitement is building ahead of the UWTSD Swansea Triathlon with staff and students in training for the event to be held on May 28th 2023

Training the Swimming Energy systems Training the Swimming Energy systems

As triathletes were all familiar with the 5 training zones but in swimming, we like to make things more scientific and slightly more technical. This month I will be explaining the Swimming Energy systems with an easy-to-follow guide to help you put together your own swim session plan.

Out of interest which Activity Wales races are you doing?? Out of interest which Activity Wales races are you doing??

Top Tip - Start with a sprint tri early in the season. Swansea is a good one to get your confidence up as the swim is in SA1 Dock which is a great environment as you don’t have to battle the seas tide and currents.

‘Plan some regular swim sets’ ‘Plan some regular swim sets’

It’s important to keep your threshold swimming going over during the ‘off’ season. Below you find two swim sessions which will help you going into the winter months. Try these twice a week and record your times. You can adjust the rest times and distances according to your ability. Feel free to reach out to the coaches at Heathwood swimming in Cardiff for extra help or any questions you may have regarding swim sets or drills.

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