Swansea Triathlon Sunday, May 25, 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question about the Swansea Triathlon? No problem – simply look through our frequently asked questions below, and hopefully you’ll find the info you need.

General FAQs

How can I register for the event?

Simply go to the registration page by clicking on the homepage and entering online via Eventrac. We do not accept paper entries.

Are there age restrictions for race entry?

Yes you must be 14 years old by the day of the race.

Can someone else register me?

No, you MUST register yourself, either the night before or the morning of the race, with ID and Disclaimer.

How do I know if my entry has been successful?

You will receive a confirmation email with 24 hours of entering the triathlon.  If you don't receive a confirmation email, please firstly check your junk folder.  If you have any concerns regarding your entry please email us at info@activitywalesevents.com

Can I Transfer, Defer or Refund My Entry?

Please see Terms and Conditions for all answers regarding transfer, deferrals and refunds.

What time does registration open?

Registration takes place in the Civic Centre.  Please refer to https://swanseatriathlon.com/athletes/event-info/ for opening times.

When do I get my race number and timing chip?

These must be collected at the time of registration upon showing photo ID and a signed copy of the disclaimer.

Where do I wear my timing chip?

Your timing chip must be worn on your left ankle.

Do you have to be member of a club?

No, you don't need to be a member of a club.

Can I enter in a team?

Yes, you can enter in a team of 2 or 3.

Can I enter a mixed relay team?

Yes you can enter a mixed relay team.

Are there official photographers?

Yes, Finisherpix will be on site to take athlete photos.

What roads will be closed for the event?

The roads will be closed between 4pm - 7.30pm - here is a list of the roads affected • East Burrows Road • Oxford Street • Temple Street • Nelson Street • Westway • Whitewells • Cambrian Place • Union Street • Dunvant Palace • A4067 Victoria Road • A4067 Oystermouth Road • A4067 Mumbles Road

Can I enter if I have a disability?

 Athletes with a registered disability will need to contact the race office to discuss whether the race is suitable and safe to enter.

Swim FAQs

Do I have to wear a wetsuit?

Yes, this is mandatory for all of our events and must cover the torso & thighs. It must NOT cover the hands and feet.  British Triathlon Federation rules state that the wetsuit must not be thicker than 5mm in any position (including where a patch-repair has been made).  Non-triathlon wetsuits are not designed to be flexible around the shoulders and arms and will take on extra water so it is recommended you race in a triathlon wetsuit.

Can I wear my own swim hat?

If you wish to wear two swim hats that is fine but the issued swim hat MUST be worn on top.

What stroke can I use?

Although BTF rules have now allowed backstroke we will not allow you to do this stroke. Front facing strokes only.

How is the start organised?

The swim start is in waves.  You will be allocated your wave when you receive your race pack.  You must start in your correct wave.

How early should I be at the swim start?

You should be at the swim start at least 15 minutes before the race to hear the briefing and find a suitable position.

How do you marshal/ensure safety on the swim?

There will be support boats and kayaks with qualified life-saving personnel on hand.  There will be a race briefing prior to the start, but if you have problems in the water, it is standard procedure to lie on your back and raise your hand in the air, you will be picked out of the water as soon as possible.

Bike FAQ

Can I use Tri Bars (aerobars)?


Do I need a specific bike?

You can use any bike that is road worthy and complies with the BTF rules.  However you must not use electric bikes or tandems.  We recommend using a road bike.

Do I need a specific helmet?

Your helmet must meet the British Triathlon specifications of ANSI Z90.4, SNELL B90, EN 1078.  A "CE"mark is not an approved mark and is not acceptable.  The helmet must not have any cracks in it and the strap must be in good working order.

Where do I have to apply the bike and helmet stickers?

You must apply one sticker on your bike seat post and one on the front of your helmet.

Will my bike be safe in transition?

Your bike will be safe in transition.  You must show the security staff your bike with sticker, helmet with sticker and matching race number before entering or leaving with a bike.


Can I wear headphones?

No, we discourage anyone wearing headphones during the race.

Is the run mainly on roads or is it multi-terrain?

The run is entirely on pavements/hard surfaces.

Are there any drink/feed stations on the course?

There are no drink/feed stations on course as this event is a short distance.  There will be water at the finish line.

Is there a cut off?

Last athlete cut-off is 7.30pm.

The UWTSD Swansea Triathlon 2023

Excitement is building ahead of the UWTSD Swansea Triathlon with staff and students in training for the event to be held on May 28th 2023

Training the Swimming Energy systems Training the Swimming Energy systems

As triathletes were all familiar with the 5 training zones but in swimming, we like to make things more scientific and slightly more technical. This month I will be explaining the Swimming Energy systems with an easy-to-follow guide to help you put together your own swim session plan.

Out of interest which Activity Wales races are you doing?? Out of interest which Activity Wales races are you doing??

Top Tip - Start with a sprint tri early in the season. Swansea is a good one to get your confidence up as the swim is in SA1 Dock which is a great environment as you don’t have to battle the seas tide and currents.

‘Plan some regular swim sets’ ‘Plan some regular swim sets’

It’s important to keep your threshold swimming going over during the ‘off’ season. Below you find two swim sessions which will help you going into the winter months. Try these twice a week and record your times. You can adjust the rest times and distances according to your ability. Feel free to reach out to the coaches at Heathwood swimming in Cardiff for extra help or any questions you may have regarding swim sets or drills.

  • Zone 3
  • FinisherPix
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